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Laminated Study Guide, U.S. Congress

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In the U.S. and worldwide Congress is a hot topic concerning politics, the balance of power, and the future of democracy. This essential six page laminated reference is a concise breakdown of the inner workings of the House and Senate and how they work together to get things done with the Executive Branch. Written by author and professor Zachary Courser, PhD, a Fellow with the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, DC who focuses on public policy, political parties, democracy, Congress, and populism. There is no learning tool as thorough, indestructible, or handy for personal use or as a school study resource. With more facts per page than any book or website, written and organized for quick reading and study, the knowledge gained is immense. Free of any political leaning, the need-to-know facts explain the systems and roles elected leaders and committees play and how the balances work to serve the citizens of the United States and the world. Get yours today and truly know how our representatives work together for us.

The 6 page laminated reference includes: Legislative Branch, House of Representatives, Senate, Joint Powers of the House & Senate, How a Bill becomes a Law, Budget Process, Relations with the Executive Branch, Congressional Staff, and Congressional Elections.

  • This essential six page laminated reference is a concise breakdown of the inner workings of the House and Senate and how they work together to get things done with the Executive Branch
  • The study guide focuses on public policy, political parties, democracy, Congress, and populism
  • There is no learning tool as thorough, indestructible, or handy for personal use or as a school study resource.
  • With more facts per page than any book or website, written and organized for quick reading and study, the knowledge gained is immense.
  • The need-to-know facts explain the systems and roles elected leaders and committees play and how the balances work to serve the citizens of the United States and the world.
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